Snorri Sturluson - Edda - Stories of the Viking Gods. Illustrated with Fine Art.
Myths and Legends of the Viking Age
The Edda was written around the year 1220, in Reykholt, Iceland by Snorri Sturluson. It remains one of the most important books ever written in all of Scandinavia, and has sometimes been called the birth certificate of Nordic Culture. It is the main source of tales about the Aesir, the ancient Gods of the Nordic peoples. Its quality of style and sense of humour has ensured this brilliant text a place in literary history side by side with works by Homer, Virgil and Ovid.
Illustrated with over 300 years of great art
The aim of this edition is to show the Edda in the context of the great art is has inspired through the centuries and across national borders. The book contains about 130 paintings, watercolours, wood-cuts, drawings of artists from Demark, The Faeroe Islands, Great Britain, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. The oldest illustrations are from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript and the youngest are painted by brilliant young artists of today.
The selections from The Edda in this edition are made and translated by Professor J. I. Young.
Author: Snorri Sturluson
Published by: Gudrun
Paperback: 2019