The perfect introduction to the Viking and Scandinavian legends
The World-Tree Yggdrasill * the Norse gods, the Æsir and Vanir, proud and quarrelsome * their leader, one-eyed Odinn, protector of human followers, but treacherous when their death-hour comes * mighty, hammer-wielding Thor, battler of giants * the goddess Freyja and her dwarf-wrought Brisinga men neck-ring * trickster Loki, who both averts trouble and causes it * Loki's monstrous children, Fenrir the wolf and Jormungandr the world-serpent, fated to destroy the gods * dragons and giants, enemies of the Æsir * the doomed love affair between Sigurdr and the Valkyrie Brynhildr * the Viking heroes Sigmundr, Ragnarr Shaggy-breeches and Starkadr * the death of shining Baldr, heralding ragnarokk, the end of the world
Author: Carolyne Larrington
Published by: Thames & Hudson
Hardcover: 2019