Hoodie with print of Odin
Material: 80% cotton, 20% polyester.
The jacket has a grey zipper in the front and pockets on each side.
Print on front left side, arms and back.
The jacket is of high quality.
Sizes: S-5XL
(Kid's sizes 289,- NOK)
Odin is the oldest and most powerful of the Gods in Norse mythology. He sacrificed his eye to drink from the fountain of knowledge. He lives in Valhalla and from there he can see everything that is going on in the world. He is the god of knowledge, mysticism, magic, poetry, war and death.
Hettejakke av høy kvalitet.
80% bomull, 20% polyester.
Detaljer: Glidelås foran. Lommer på sidene. Grå glidelås og hette.
Trykk på bryst, armer og rygg.
Denne varen kan fåes i stor størrelse.
Fåes i størrelse S - 5XL.
Odin er den eldste og mektigste av gudene i Norrøn mytologi. Han ofret det ene øyet for å få drikke av joten Mimes kunnskapsbrønn. Odin bor i Vallhall og derfra kan ha se alt som foregår i verden, Odin er blant annet guden for mystikk og trolldom, visdom og spådomskunst, skaldskap, krig og død.
Hoodie with print of Odin
Material: 80% cotton, 20% polyester.
The jacket has a grey zipper in the front and pockets on each side.
Print on front left side, arms and back.
The jacket is of high quality.
Sizes: S-5XL
(Kid's sizes 289,- NOK)
Odin is the oldest and most powerful of the Gods in Norse mythology. He sacrificed his eye to drink from the fountain of knowledge. He lives in Valhalla and from there he can see everything that is going on in the world. He is the god of knowledge, mysticism, magic, poetry, war and death.